Campus Circular Mini EcoSoap Studio - Aalto Sustainability Practical Test Site

(Year 2018-2021) At this Mini EcoSoap Studio, we aim to produce campus circular EcoSoaps and try to develop a long-term and self-sustain management strategy of this project at this Aalto Sustainability Practical Test Site. It is also a test model for future collaborate campus, community, NGO’s mini EcoSoap Studio.

The used cooking oil will fetch from Täffä restaurant on the Otaniemi campus. Campus residents, students, staffs could also bring their used cooking oil to the Test-Site. Everyone is welcomed to join the production of this local circular cleaning product through (monthly) co-making events. The result of the production are eco cleaning products (bar soaps, liquid soap) for cleaning the site. Each stakeholders will get percentage of the eocosoap production depending on the time & efforts they inputted.

A volunteer group will be organized and assist in organizing the co-making events. The technical sides of production will be guided by JooSoap Studio and hopefully trained enough people to pass this knowledge forward and continue this campus mini studio for a long run. Welcome to join the team!

The co-making session is free of charge. Welcome all fellows, friends, families from Aalto University community to join.


Ossinlampi in Otaniemi campus, near A-Grid (Aalto University, Otakaari 5, 02150 Espoo)

co-making sessions
Liters of used cooking oil


liters of liquid soap


* This Campus Circular Mini EcoSoap Studio is a re-birth of Aalto JooSoap EcoSoap project, which was initiated and tested on Otaniemi Campus in late 2010 till 2012 in Creative Sustainability courses. Later on, it has turned into the JooSoap Studio in 2015, situated near Pasila, Helsinki. JooSoap Studio is working on eco-soap knowledge spreading, building educational platform, and networking in an international scale with design strategies.

** Team Aalto Test Site Mini EcoSoap Studio: Fang-Shiuan Chang, Pei-Yu Lin, Ying-Ju Lin, and pop-up participants.  For more information, collaborations, contact: [email protected]

Information about the Aalto Sustainability Practical Test-Site :