JooSoap workshop 2023 highlights

JooSoapJooSoap, Workshop

Some highlights of 2023 season eco-soap and liquid soap workshops in Helsinki. Kicking off the season by co-making session with old friends on the EARTH DAY. In total we organized 10 workshop and co-making event with around 80 participants this year, and upcycled 40 liters of used cooking oil and expired oil from local restaurants and households. It’s our pleasure …

JooSoap workshop 2022 highlights

JooSoapJooSoap, Workshop

EcoSoap workshops in Helsinki were finally slowly back from the pandemic. As usual, we made eco-soaps together and get discussions with related environmental and health issues. Good to meet many nice participants and some private gathering workshops during this season. Our workshop will turn into Spring-Autumn seasonal events from now on. We wish all stay well over the winter and …

JooSoap Taiwan Maple-Eco-School completed 30 school touring workshops in 2021

Touring workshop 2021, TAIWAN

JooSoapEducation, JooSoap, Workshop

The EcoSoap touring workshop together with Taichung Maple Eco School visited 19 schools in 2021! Organized by TPCF foundation, this year we spend some time on the southeast coast of Taiwan in Taitung county, facing the Pacific Ocean. And also the important farm lands in Changhua and the northeast Yilan county. In total around 806 students and teachers were participated …

JooSoap Taiwan Maple-Eco-School completed 30 school touring workshops in 2020

Touring workshop 2020, TAIWAN

JooSoapEducation, JooSoap, Workshop

Another busy and challenging year! The EcoSoap touring workshop together with Taichung Maple Eco School visited 30 schools in 2020! As everything has been planned at least half year ahead, luckily the pandemic situation was quite under controlled in Taiwan so not many workshops were cancelled. In total around 1,526 students and teachers were participated in the course. Estimate we …

JooSoap Taiwan lectures for Kenting National Park schools_2020

JooSoap Taiwan*Touring Lectures for Kenting National Park schools

JooSoapJooSoap, Workshop

“The invisible pollution is the worst pollution.” JooSoap Taiwan our main partner Taichung Maple Eco School collaborate with our EcoSoap lecturers in Daguang Community and the Kenting National Park Headquarters in Pingtung County to give the lecture to 10 schools in Hengchun Peninsula. It’s important to let students know how to protect the environment and take actions in daily life. …

JooSoap EcoSoap workshop at the Helsinki Design Week 2019

Kiitos! JooSoap*Helsinki Design Week 2019

JooSoapJooSoap, Workshop

Thank you all for joining the JooSoap EcoSoap workshop * Helsinki Design Week edition 2019. During these Helsinki Design Week workshops, we upcycled 25 liters of used cooking oil from local restaurants: Loop, Labby Catering, My Dear Kitchen in Helsinki, Kääntöpöyta kitchen, and some neighborhood household oil. There are also some participants brought their own oil from home, well done. …

JooSoap workshop_Keru Circular Workshop Day

Keru Circular Workshop Day

JooSoapJooSoap, Workshop

We were taking part at the Keru-yhteisöjääkaappi Circular Workshop Day, part of the HDW 2019 side events. At Keru, we met a nice group of people joining the workshop and sharing their experience of used cooking oil disposal from their home countries. It was happy to meet you all! Yhteisöjääkaappi Community Fridge INFO: Community fridge is a concept and a place …

JooSoap_BBM_Jade workshop_2019

*BBM EcoSoap workshop at JADE

JooSoapJooSoap, Workshop

What an energetic morning with this elderly group for ecosoap making! Thanks Black Bear Metsässä (BBM) invited us to collaborate with JADE -toimintakeskus for this activity. We all had a good time, discussing with related environmental issues and upcycling 3 liters of used cooking oil from a household usage. Looking forward to see these seniors again! Now they need to …

JooSoap Taiwan_touring workshop_2019

Touring workshop 2019, TAIWAN

JooSoapEducation, JooSoap, Workshop

It’s our honor to collaborate with Taichung Maple Eco School again to complete this series of touring lecturer/workshop, invited and organized by TPCF foundation. We visited 19 schools with at least 1500 students and teachers from 4-9 grades during this semester in Taichung, Taiwan. We modified the lecture material to includes few topics (e.g. plastic wastes, used cooking oil disposal …

Thanks for joining JooSoap workshop, Helsinki Design Week edition, 2018

Kiitos! JooSoap*Helsinki Design Week 2018

JooSoapJooSoap, Workshop

Thank you all for joining the JooSoap EcoSoap workshop * Helsinki Design Week edition 2018. During these Helsinki Design Week workshops, we upcycled 30 liters of used cooking oil from local restaurants: Loop, Löyly, Labby Catering, My Dear Kitchen in Helsinki, Kääntöpöyta kitchen, and some neighborhood household oil. Thank you for the collaborate restaurants, the meetups with you all were …


JooSoap workshop*Helsinki Design Week 2018

JooSoapJooSoap, Workshop

Now, Come and Make your own special edition Eco-Soap just for Helsinki Design week! “Local produce, local use! Easy and fun to do! Stop dumping used cooking oil that blocks the drain. Upcycle and clean your home.” Every liter of used cooking oil can become 1 kg of EcoSoap for household cleaning and handwashing. Join JooSoap Studio for a hands-on …

JooSoap team at Kellokosken-Ekolabra 2018

Kellokosken Ekolabra 2018

JooSoapJooSoap, Workshop

What a great experience to participate Kekola Kellokosken Ekolabra Kiertotalousfestivaali 26.5.2018, circular economy event. Amazing atmosphere! We met so many lovely visitors interested in our products, workshops and shared our story to a press group from Japan. It was our pleasure to meet you all! Thanks organizer Malla invited us, and our team collaborate to make this happened. We washed …

Theoretical Soap-making workshop at GEA (Granja ecologica autosuficiente), Colombia

TomJooSoap Ambassador, Workshop

Theoretical workshop on soap-making (Taller teorico de Jabon) The workshop took place on the 17th of May 2017 at the homestead “Estrella de Belen”. The residents are planning to create a complete sustainable ecologique farm and offer hostel service in the future. The place is a piece of marvelous landscape in the middle of Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, in …

Paramo Permacultura Colombia Soap-making Workshop

TomJooSoap Ambassador, Workshop

On the 1st of May 2017, I organized a soap-making workshop with the association “Paramo Permacultura Colombia” in Paipa (Colombia). We used recycled oil from the cooking of typical colombian “arepas”(flat bread) and caustic soda. Angela and Gregory, the permaculture teachers of the association, are used to live a DIY life and they were very eager to learn the procedure …

Open Source Circular Economy Days, Helsinki 2017

JooSoapJooSoap, Workshop

♫ Open Source Circular Economy Day Helsinki 2017 ♫ We upcycled 8 liters of used cooking oil(from on-side restaurant) into around 80 EcoSoaps! Thanks all for joining the workshop and co-making together. And some bikes were turning shining today! Well done! —————- JooSoap Studio is honored to take part in Open Source Circular Economy Days Helsinki again in 2017. This …

JooSoap*Helsinki Day 2017 @ Kääntöpöydällä

JooSoapJooSoap, Workshop

Completed! On this Helsinki Day 2017 celebration, we upcycled 10 liters of local used cooking oil by co-making with visitors. Some of used cooking oil were collected from Kääntöpöytä kitchen and others were from Finnish #vappumunkki oil. Altogether will turned into 100 eco-soap after 8 weeks. Thanks all for join today. 🙂 ————————–– Farming, Climbing, Petanque and Urban Planning – Rock Your Body and …

Ecowashing in Arcoiris Ecoaldea

TomJooSoap Ambassador, Workshop

Arcoiris (Rainbow in Spanish) is an ecovillage located between the city of Iquitos and Nauta (Peru’), right in the middle of the peruvian Amazon jungle. The ecovillage relies, for the water provisions (drinking, washing, bathing …), only on the small river on the side of the main hut. For plate washing they don’t use any soap, which would then end …

Workshop in Eutopia Ecocentro

TomJooSoap Ambassador, Workshop Leave a Comment

The workshop took place on Saturday, 26th November 2016, at the Eutopia Ecocentro, in Reque (Chiclayo, Perú). The place is a wonderful ecovillage with the main mission to develop sustainable lifestyle (agriculture, farming, resource sharing) in balance with nature. Eco-Soap making was perfectly fitting into that environment. The main ingredients were wasted fats (chicken fats) and caustic soda. Eventually we …

Nordic Permaculture Festival 2016

JooSoapJooSoap, Workshop

4-7 August, 2016 at Isnäs, Finland We are happy to take part in 2016 Nordic Permaculture Festival. Sharing Eco-Soap knowledge and done a beautiful JooSoap Eco-Soap Workshop and demonstration with local Labby Catering’s used cooking oil. Thank you for amazing organizer and participants. Maybe see you next year in ICELAND! #‎joosoap‬ ‪#‎workshop‬ ‪#‎upcycle‬ ‪#‎ecosoap‬

Open Source Circular Economy Days, Helsinki 2016

JooSoapJooSoap, Workshop

JooSoap Studio is honored to take part in Open Source Circular Economy Days Helsinki again in 2016. This time is right next to our office door at the urban farming center: Kääntöpöytä Green house. “Open Source Circular Economy Days (OSCEdays) is a global event & community to create open resources & possibilities for a global shift towards a waste-free, sustainable …

JooSoap at Espoo Mini Maker Faire, 2015

JooSoapJooSoap, Workshop

Thanks all for joining us in Espoo Mini Maker Faire. We had 30 adults + 8 kids as eco-soap makers and plus much more stand by supporting/monitoring us around. 😉 Every team done it well!! Date: October 17-18th, 2015 Place: Design Factory, Otaniemi, ESPOO Event Page Thanks for the event organizers, collaborate used cooking oil provider: Täffä restaurant on Otaniemi …

Open Source Circular Economy Days, Helsinki 2015

JooSoapJooSoap, Workshop

We are happy to see so many people joining our eco-soap workshop on first OSCEdays Helsinki! We fetched 8 liters of used cooking oil from nearby FAFA’s restaurant and make around 6 liters of eco-soap with 18 people. WELL DONE! Thanks you today’s workshop assistant: Vilja, Malin and the master Nancy from Taiwan!

JooSoap workshop@Siivouspäivä etkot 2013

JooSoapJooSoap, Workshop

Siivouspäivä, cleaning day is a big day for friends of secondhand and urban culture in Helsinki. On 22nd May, Siivouspäivä etkot(pre-party) event, we had 2 workshops with altogether 17 people participated hands-on making and other more people joined for discussions. Although the weather was rainy outside, we still successful completed this event and had fun. I hope everyone had a great …

JooSoap vs. Castle Cieszyn, Poland

JooSoapJooSoap, Workshop

Zamek Cieszyn is a reginal design center in Cieszyn, on the Polish-Czech border. This year is their 8th anniversary. I had a great time visiting exhibitions, sharing JooSoap story to audiences in the Art Castel conference and 2 eco-soap making workshops with local residents. Thanks for your participating, also your smiles and feedbacks . Let’s see how your soaps look like …

JooSoap at Zamek Cieszyn 8th Anniversary, Poland

JooSoapJooSoap, Workshop

1.2-3.2.2013 Very Wise Birthday of Castle Cieszyn! It’s my pleasure to be invited to give a presentation and workshop in Zamek Cieszyn. 2 Eco-soap making Workshops on 2.2(Sat.) 11:00-12:00, 17:00-18:00 I heard the workshops are almost fully booked, We will have fun!

Nordic Climate Festival Fair 2011

Nordic Climate Festival Fair Eco-Soap Workshop

JooSoapJooSoap, Workshop

Moi, So exciting here at Nordic Climate Festival Fair. Next workshop will be held on Saturday,13:00-14:00, 10.9.2011 at JooSoap Studio in backyard of Aalto University Design Factory. We hope the weather is nice, if it is rainy, we will have to cancel it…. Due to the space limit, we will only take 10 people in one workshop.