Theoretical workshop on soap-making (Taller teorico de Jabon)
The workshop took place on the 17th of May 2017 at the homestead “Estrella de Belen”. The residents are planning to create a complete sustainable ecologique farm and offer hostel service in the future.
The place is a piece of marvelous landscape in the middle of Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, in the north of Colombia. All around is just deep tropical forest. The residents were looking for a way to sustainably clean and wash, i.e. a biodegradable soap.
I taught them the way to make their own soap either for washing dishes, clothes and floors, or for the body, using only recycled cooking oil or fats and caustic soda.
Unfortunately, the homestead was far from any town and we could not purchase caustic soda, hence I was limited to teach the theory of soap-making and how to clean/wash used oil, as well as how to create your own citrus scent. People were happy of the new knowledge aquired. Now it is time for them to experiment and learn by doing!
- JooSoap Ambassador Tom_Theoretical workshop on soap-making at GEA (Granja ecologica autosuficiente) Estrella de Belen, Vistanieve, Santa Marta, Colombia. 17-05-2017
- JooSoap Ambassador Tom_Theoretical workshop on soap-making at GEA (Granja ecologica autosuficiente) Estrella de Belen, Vistanieve, Santa Marta, Colombia. 17-05-2017
GEA (Granja ecologica autosuficiente) Estrella de Belen, Colombia
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