JooSoap Local-Global Network
Is your community or organization also making eco-soaps or doing similar thing? Does your group want to setup an eco-soap studio? Our experienced JooSoap team in Taiwan and Finland is working on building a local-global network that could assist spread the word.
From Offline to Online, there are still much material and experience need to organize. Currently we have education materials, documenting experience of what works and not in different conditions, distance (skype) workshop, studio setup consultancy etc.
JooSoap Taiwan HUB
Taichung Maple Culture Association and Eco-School, since 1996
Taichung Maple Culture Association(TMCA) and Eco-School is the main collaborator of JooSoap Studio in Taiwan. TMCA have started this eco-soap project around several communities in Taiwan since 1996. The main technique used in JooSoap Studio is modified from their recipe. TMCA and the Eco-Soap lecturer's group hosts more than 2,000 visitors per year (including more than 30 countries visitors) by holding workshops and training eco-soap lecturers.
「Local Produce, Local Use」It continues helping rural communities, NGOs around Taiwan to setup local eco-soap studios. Empower everyone to learn this knowledge and take actions locally.
Visit their website for more information:
52 co-making sessions, touring workshop at 18 schools