Some highlights of 2023 season eco-soap and liquid soap workshops in Helsinki. Kicking off the season by co-making session with old friends on the EARTH DAY. In total we organized 10 workshop and co-making event with around 80 participants this year, and upcycled 40 liters of used cooking oil and expired oil from local restaurants and households. It’s our pleasure …
*Dodo’s Harfest 2023
Take part at our neighborhood NGO Dodo’s HarFest 2023 event with great vibes! Washing bikes, baby stroller, shoes with our liquid soap. Since the weather was great, we also made some EcoSoaps with lovely participants and sent out some samples. Looking forward to meet you next time at our workshops.
Demo to FutureUA project researchers
It was our pleasure to share our story, experience with local restaurants and demo EcoSoap-making with Urban Agriculture for Resilient Future (#FutureUA) project research fellows. And get to know some status of urban agriculture and sustainable food production situations in the Nordic-Baltic region.
Pop up stand at Second Hand Market Redi
Looking for some eco-gifts for the Xmas season? JooSoap products are available at the Second Hand Market Redi, 3rd floor of the Redi Shopping Mall in Kalasatama, Helsinki. Until 19.01.2023 Thursday. * Local circular economy in practice! Every 1 kg of ecosoap upcycled 1 Liter of used cooking oil from local restaurant and household’s kitchen. All JooSoap products are handmade …
JooSoap workshop 2022 highlights
EcoSoap workshops in Helsinki were finally slowly back from the pandemic. As usual, we made eco-soaps together and get discussions with related environmental and health issues. Good to meet many nice participants and some private gathering workshops during this season. Our workshop will turn into Spring-Autumn seasonal events from now on. We wish all stay well over the winter and …
Good News from Finland
JooSoap Studio is in the Good News from Finland‘s article : FIVE FROM FINLAND: Responsible design. We will keep the spirits up and continue spread the word. Check the article for more details:
Kiitos! JooSoap*Helsinki Design Week 2019
Thank you all for joining the JooSoap EcoSoap workshop * Helsinki Design Week edition 2019. During these Helsinki Design Week workshops, we upcycled 25 liters of used cooking oil from local restaurants: Loop, Labby Catering, My Dear Kitchen in Helsinki, Kääntöpöyta kitchen, and some neighborhood household oil. There are also some participants brought their own oil from home, well done. …
JooSoap workshop * Helsinki Design Week 2019
Come and Make your own special edition eco soap just for Helsinki Design week! “Local produce, local use! Easy and fun to do! Stop dumping used cooking oil that blocks the drain. Upcycle and clean your home.” Every liter of used cooking oil can become one kg of EcoSoap for household cleaning and handwashing. Join JooSoap Studio for a hands-on …
I am Helsinki*Dodo, Helsinki Day
Helsinki Day 2019 ecosoap making at the Dodo‘s I AM Helsinki event. 2 liters of used cooking oil were upcycled from nearby catering and also Kääntöpöytä kitchen and co-make into 2kg EcoSoaps. Thanks all for joining and looking forward to see you again in our Summer workshops. Date: 12. 06. 2022 Helsinki Day WORKSHOP TIME!18.00-20.00 DIY soap workshop with JooSoap …
Aalto TestSite Paradox City Exhibition
Happy ending of the year 2018! The 1st season of The Test Site is presented at the Paradox City Exhibition. Every TestSite projects were linking with relative input/outs resources sharing on the campus. JooSoap Campus Mini Studio collected the used cooking oil from the Täffä restaurant on the campus and using some dry herbs from the TestSite garden. The ecosoap …
Kiitos! JooSoap*Helsinki Design Week 2018
Thank you all for joining the JooSoap EcoSoap workshop * Helsinki Design Week edition 2018. During these Helsinki Design Week workshops, we upcycled 30 liters of used cooking oil from local restaurants: Loop, Löyly, Labby Catering, My Dear Kitchen in Helsinki, Kääntöpöyta kitchen, and some neighborhood household oil. Thank you for the collaborate restaurants, the meetups with you all were …
Hävikki festarit_2018
Another year taking part at the Hävikki- ja kiertotalousfestarit in 2018. We met many people and got chance to network with entrepreneurs/organizations working with waste to useful stuffs! Glad to be part of the movement. We also had a demo on ecosoap co-making, upcycling used cooking oil from next door Hävikkiruokaravintola Loop. We always love the vision behind the Loop …
JooSoap workshop*Helsinki Design Week 2018
Now, Come and Make your own special edition Eco-Soap just for Helsinki Design week! “Local produce, local use! Easy and fun to do! Stop dumping used cooking oil that blocks the drain. Upcycle and clean your home.” Every liter of used cooking oil can become 1 kg of EcoSoap for household cleaning and handwashing. Join JooSoap Studio for a hands-on …
Kellokosken Ekolabra 2018
What a great experience to participate Kekola Kellokosken Ekolabra Kiertotalousfestivaali 26.5.2018, circular economy event. Amazing atmosphere! We met so many lovely visitors interested in our products, workshops and shared our story to a press group from Japan. It was our pleasure to meet you all! Thanks organizer Malla invited us, and our team collaborate to make this happened. We washed …
We are happy to join again in the 2018 NGO CSW-62 Forum at UN New York! Together with Taichung Maple Eco-School, we presented JooSosp project and cases both in Taiwan and Finland that how ecosoap movements play roles for better mental health and empowerment for immigrants and rural girls/women. Plenty of feedbacks were received in CSW-62 NGO parallel events. Fruitful …
Hävikki festarit_2017
Local Circular Economy in action! We were invited by the Betre team to join the Hävikkifestarit – Ruokahävikki- ja kiertotalousfestarit (Food Waste and Circular Economy Festival) 2017. The event was taking place at the Teurastamo, Helsinki. We also had an ecosoap co-making session, upcycling used cooking oil direct from the on-site B-Smokery restaurant! 10 liters of used cooking oil were …
JooSoap workshop for a private group
We had a great afternoon with a private group workshop. Adding 4 more people from Slovakia, Serbia, and Portugal, that we now reach 42 countries of JooSoap workshop participants!! These eco-soaps will be the best Eco-gifts ready for their X’mas presents. #JooSoap #EcoSoap #workshop #Upcycle #DIY #Helsinki
JooSoap vs. Castle Cieszyn, Poland
Zamek Cieszyn is a reginal design center in Cieszyn, on the Polish-Czech border. This year is their 8th anniversary. I had a great time visiting exhibitions, sharing JooSoap story to audiences in the Art Castel conference and 2 eco-soap making workshops with local residents. Thanks for your participating, also your smiles and feedbacks . Let’s see how your soaps look like …
JooSoap at Zamek Cieszyn 8th Anniversary, Poland
1.2-3.2.2013 Very Wise Birthday of Castle Cieszyn! It’s my pleasure to be invited to give a presentation and workshop in Zamek Cieszyn. 2 Eco-soap making Workshops on 2.2(Sat.) 11:00-12:00, 17:00-18:00 I heard the workshops are almost fully booked, We will have fun!
Gathering used cooking oil from campus restaurant
We are now mostly gathering used cooking oil from Täffä restaurant on TKK campus, also some from friends’ kitchen. Restaurant manager Mats and his colleagues are very exciting and supporting this project. When we have more soap/liquid soap ready, we give some to them in return. *Täffä is a very popular student restaurant that offer french fries in their menu.