A honored and inspired visiting to eco-soap making pioneer when Ying-Ju transfer her flight in Tokyo, Japan. The Eco-soap knowledge she learned and collaborate with Taiwan Maple Community is originally learned from these masters back in 1995.
NPO Sekken no Machi Organization(せっけんの街) has just celebrated their 30 years anniversary and still very actively spreading this knowledge in Japan. They have two factory in Chiba Prefecture. Ying-Ju visited the one near NRT airport: 印旛沼せっけん情報センター(Inbanuma Soap Factory), which is focusing on producing solid soap and liquid soap.
The technique they used is slight different from us and is made with customized machine: they heated the liquid while making solid soap and use KOH method to make liquid soap. Since they have machine, the product line are more stable and with bigger volume provided. The products are certificated and examined by government every year so they are allowed to sell in the market/shop and online store.
Besides presenting the Eco-soap movement done by Maple Community in Taiwan since 1996, Ying-Ju also shared the experiences and story of JooSoap project acting in Finland and with other contacts from around the world through JooSoap website and FB page in the past 2 years. We also discussed the idea and possibility of local-global networking and hopefully to realize soon.(welcome to join us!)
Thanks again for their guiding and even organize 3 doctoral students to assist the translation. We had great time to exchange our stories and hope these photos could also inspire others.
NPO せっけんの街 (Sekken no Machi)
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